Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Please Come to Boston for the Springtime.......

......Okay - I think we will!

It's been a fast and furious couple of days in Boston but we are having a really great time. We're staying at a guesthouse in Cambridge that is owned by a wonderful woman named Gina, who is a friend of our friends, Helen and Laura. Helen arrived in town Monday and Laura arrived last night so we had dinner together last night and are headed for a wonderful Italian meal tonight in the North End.

The weather has been superb this week and we've had lots of fun taking in the sights. We took a trolley tour of Boston on Monday and visited the New England Aquarium yesterday.

By the way, did you know that Boston is on the same latitude as Portugal?

We've LOVED using the mass transit here, which like all the cities on the East Coast, is very well established. We're able to catch the bus in front of her place and take it to the T stop (subway) at Harvard Square and ride right into the city. It really makes getting around so, so easy.

Today we walked the famous Freedom Trail with Laura and Rich which, as you probably know, is a self guided tour through all the important historical places in Boston.

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