Today was the big day - renting the U Haul truck and taking everything down to our storage unit. Since we have been taking carloads of boxes throughout the last couple of weeks, we were really left with only the big furniture items, so that felt manageable. It was actually a big day since we dropped the car off to have some work done first thing in the morning and then our friend Elaine (you're a peach!) picked us up and took us to get the truck. Initially, we thought we could have gone with a
smaller truck - 14 feet instead of 17 feet - but decided to stick with the 17 footer since that would
give us room to work with. Well, the good news is it only took us about an hour or so to load all the furniture......the fun part was fitting it all into our 9X10 storage unit!!
The first thing we had to do when we got to the storage unit was take out about half of what we had put in over the last couple of weeks so we could get the furniture in. We ended up strewing our belongings down three hallways so we'd have some room to operate! After about two hours we really started to despair at fitting all of our stuff into the storage unit and wondering which of our friends we'd have to call to beg to store some things for
us. However, with a little more wiggling and after we'd popped the last oxygen bubble in the storage unit, we got it all in. PHEW!! Now why are we doing all this again??? Oh yeah......that's's times like these that it helps to remind ourselves of what we have to look forward to.
Finally, by 3 p.m. we were pulling away from the storage unit with slightly sorer muscles, but otherwise, no worse for wear. Elaine kindly offered again to take us to pick up our car and not only that, but provided us with some tasty homemade soup that was the perfect remedy for our sore bodies!
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