Saturday, October 9, 2010

Our Final Finca Week

Well, this is it folks - our final week here. It’s really hard to believe it’s come down to this after the long and eventful summer. We leave here next Friday morning for New Orleans and we’ll be so excited to see our friends Micheline and Robert and celebrate her birthday! We’ve lucked out in that we haven’t had any guests for the last month so it really has felt like our own place here. Last week was pretty stormy but it looks like all that has finally blown over and we’re in for a nice sunny and pleasantly breezy weekend. Let’s hope our last week continues the same way.

Seems like we’ve been through it all over the last 3 and a ½ months - a hurricane, power outages, flash flooding, bug infestations - you name it - and I guess the best thing that has come out of this adventure is we’ve learned that if we can get by in this “rustic” environment, we can do just about anything!! While this is an absolutely lovely place and the ideal location for anyone who wants to get away from it all (we mean that, Corky!), we realized it’s a little too remote for us. So now we know that caretaking a place in a remote and isolated location is not something we’ll want to do again. There have been many wonderful things about being here, though, that we wouldn’t have traded for the world so that makes it all worthwhile in the end.

We’ll leave you with some pictures of the new, enlarged bathroom at the Family Cabana that was our final project here as well as a last picture of us at la finca. In addition, there's a picture of the plant structure that coconuts grow off of. The stick thing you see in the picture grows from the tree and then the coconuts grow off of that. They start off about the size of an egg! Anyway, I thought the leftover structure was kind of interesting looking.

If I get a chance, I’ll try to post something from New Orleans but I’m not sure what our internet access will be like while we’re there. Then the blog will probably be on hiatus while we’re back in Seattle unless something really interesting happens, but we’ll let you know when it’s up and running again whenever we set out on our next adventure!

Thanks so much to everyone for following along this summer…….it really has meant a lot!

Best to all,

David and Jim

P.S.: I dropped my Ipod in the pool yesterday and it appears to be fried but if anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how to salvage it, let me know. Otherwise, I guess it’s off to Costco when we get back to Seattle for another one!